Residential Painting

Residential Painting

We’re all about making your home look amazing with our residential painting skills! From the outside of your house to the inside, including walls, ceilings, cabinets, and trim – we love adding that special touch to your space. We’re not just here to slap on some paint; we’re here to help you pick the perfect colors, finishes, and paint systems that suit your style.

Cabinet Painting

Cabinets are like the heart of a home – whether they’re in the kitchen, bathroom, library, or family room, they’re a big deal. We take special care in giving them a fresh look. Our process is like a little makeover: marking, unhinging, degreasing, sanding, priming, and then finally, the awesome paint job on each door and drawer. It’s a bit of an art, and that’s where our skilled and crafty painters come in. Trust us, we’ve got the knack for making those cabinets shine like new!

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Power Washing

Alright, let’s break it down! The key to a great paint job is simple: Clean, Dull, and Dry. That’s where power washing comes in before we dive into your project. Over time, nature throws some dirt our way, so we give your exterior a good scrub – clearing out dust, dirt, spider webs, and anything else messing with that clean slate we need to paint on.

Now, why do we bother with all this? Well, besides protecting your home, we’re here to spruce it up with a fresh new look. We’ve got the whole process planned and programmed step by step, so you’ll always know what’s happening. And don’t worry, we won’t call it a day until we’ve checked in with you to make sure our craft has got your seal of approval. Your place is in good hands, and we’re excited to make it shine!

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Free Color Consultation

Let’s talk color – it’s like the secret ingredient to making life awesome! It boosts our mood and totally transforms the vibe of a space. Whether you’re jazzing up a couple of rooms or going all out on the inside or outside, we’re here to be your color sidekick.

We’re not leaving you to figure it out alone. Nope, we’re offering a totally free online color consultation with our color specialist. You pick the colors you’re vibing with, and we handle the rest. That’s the way a real pro service should roll – easy, breezy, and leaving you with a space that feels just right. Trust us to make your color dreams come to life!

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